Parent Page: Workshops & Seminars id: 25899 Active Page: New Faculty Onboarding (NFO)id:26201

New Faculty Onboarding (NFO)

The OU Health Sciences New Faculty Onboarding (NFO) workshop series is your invitation to academic career orientation, tips, and strategies for a successful start. During the series we get you started with Health Sciences community connections — people, information, and resources you can engage to help shape your academic career path and early conversations with peers and your department leader.


New Faculty Onboarding focuses on faculty roles, responsibilities and opportunities. Each session helps you start sorting your objectives, activities, and priorities as a faculty member. Learn about academic career pathways, promotion, and tenure expectations, and opportunities for annual and longer-term success as a teacher, scholar, and leader while learning about resources to support you in your work.

Program Description:

New Faculty Onboarding provides useful information to start your academic career journey with OU Health Sciences. In a series of interactive sessions, we’ll talk about:

  • Your career focus – a mission-based plan
  • Avoiding pitfalls
  • Staying connected through faculty development
  • Who’s who and what resources are available to you
  • How to get started
  • And more!

How to Attend:

The NFO series includes one 90-minute opening session, and nine 60-minute sessions offered virtually, and concludes with an in-person check-in breakfast and mentoring session with series guest presenters. New faculty who joined within the previous academic year will be invited via email to register; everyone is welcome, no matter when you started. Click here to Register for NFO. 

Upcoming Events