OUHSC provides workshops to enhance mentoring opportunities for faculty focused on clinical and translational research, faculty from associated IDeA programs, and interested faculty from any of the health sciences center colleges.
Training is available for both Mentors and Mentees. The training series is offered as three sessions. Each session covers two of the six competencies within the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). The session topics and six competencies are:
Maintaining Effective Communication (MEC) |
Maintaining Effective Communication (MEC) |
Aligning Expectations (AE) |
Aligning Expectations (AE) |
Assessing Understanding (AU) |
Building Research Self-Efficacy (BRSE) |
Fostering Independence (FI) |
Achieving Independence (AI) |
Promoting Professional Development (PPD) |
Seeking Professional Development (SPD) |
*All 3 workshops are required to complete the series and earn the certificate
Click Here for a list of upcoming Mentor Workshops and registration links. Mentee Workshops are available upon request.
Registration for Mentor Workshops Required at least 24 hours before the workshop
Contact Natasha-mickel@ouhsc.edu to request mentee workshops
Co-sponsored by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development and the Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Institute