Parent Page: Resources id: 26145 Active Page: OUHSC Faculty Activity Systemid:26872

Faculty Activity System: FAS

What is FAS?

The OUHSC Faculty Activity System (FAS) is used to record teaching, research, publications, presentations, awards, creative & service activities, and accomplishments. Aimed at providing an easier, more efficient way for colleges to manage large reporting processes in a less time-consuming fashion, the OUHSC FAS generates an annual faculty mini-vitae, that can be provided to directors, department chairs, deans and the Provost's office.

How it Works:

OUHSC FAS allows users to enter activity information
once and use it for multiple purposes including:

Users can enter and update information throughout the year and import their publications from other databases to include:

  • Different Types of Reports
  • Bio-sketch
  • CV
  • Annual Activity Report
  • Accreditation Report
  • Google Scholar
  • PubMed
  • Web of Science
  • ORCID (Learn more on the ORCID Imports page.)
  • Other Citation Managers

FAS Log-In:

The following Colleges will access Faculty Activity System using their OU Health Sciences SSO log-in username and password by clicking here: OU Health Sciences Center FAS System

  • College of Allied Health
  • College of Dentistry
  • Graduate College
  • College of Nursing
  • College of Pharmacy
  • College of Public Health

For the OUHSC College of Medicine or OU/TU School of Community Medicine Activity Insight, or COM faculty at OU Health who do not have an OUHSC email address, Click here

To grant a proxy access to a file, please send the proxy's name and the faculty member's name (or names) to:

FAS Training Resources:

Please see our FAS Training page:

FAS System Support:

If you have issues with your access, running reports, or other items, please get in touch with We will attempt to resolve your concern locally. Most requests are processed within 1 business day. 

Note, that certain requests may require external assistance and can take up to 2 weeks to be processed.