What is FAS?
The OUHSC Faculty Activity System (FAS) is used to record teaching, research, publications, presentations, awards, creative & service activities, and accomplishments. Aimed at providing an easier, more efficient way for colleges to manage large reporting processes in a less time-consuming fashion, the OUHSC FAS generates an annual faculty mini-vitae, that can be provided to directors, department chairs, deans and the Provost's office.
How it Works:
OUHSC FAS allows users to enter activity information
once and use it for multiple purposes including:
Users can enter and update information throughout the year and import their publications from other databases to include:
- Different Types of Reports
- Bio-sketch
- CV
- Annual Activity Report
- Accreditation Report
- Google Scholar
- PubMed
- Web of Science
- ORCID (Learn more on the ORCID Imports page.)
- Other Citation Managers