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WiSDMH* Resources

Here you will find information on: recruitment and retention, recognition and celebrating achievement, career development and advancement, and women’s health. Links on these pages to non-university sites do not represent endorsement by the University of Oklahoma or its affiliates.

External Resources

Managing Unconcious Bias 

A recent NYT article referenced the work Google's People Analytics team (their version of HR) is doing to help manage unconscious bias. The Google training session video is available on YouTube and runs about 50 minutes. Very well done; if you missed the CRLT Players visit to OUHSC or want a “refresher” about the big picture issues and examples of organizational action items, this is a useful reference - (YouTube Link)

Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT). Project Implicit Social Attitudes. Register or log in on the Project Implicit site to take the instrument and get your feedback/results:

Readings Related to the Promotion & Tenure Review Process for the CRLT Players performance - "The Fence"

Other Continuing Professional Development Resources

AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) Resources

AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science Toolkit

The GWIMS Toolkit is a series of presentations designed to provide practical guidance on a variety of topics relevant to women faculty in academic medicine. Each presentation provides an overview of the topic, relevant best practices, tips on implementation, and useful references for more information. Click here to visit the GWIMS Toolkit

AAMC Seminars

The AAMC’s seminars for women faculty provide protected time for attendees to learn the knowledge and skills needed to advance on the path to leadership in academic medicine.  AAMC seminars for women faculty include programs for early career and mid-career individuals. For information contact contact AAMC's Elizabeth Coakley at

Other WiSDMH* Resources