Parent Page: Certificates & Fellowships id: 26134 Active Page: Applicationid:26135

Faculty Leadership Program 2024 Application

Faculty members from any OU Health Sciences college are eligible to apply. A completed application and a letter of recommendation from the candidate’s department chair or dean (e.g., sponsor) are required.

The 2024 program application and nomination period opens on Monday, July 29, 2024, and closes on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

  • Sponsor Recommendation Letter must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM, Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Sponsors, please use the link to upload your letter on university letterhead: 2024 Sponsor Letter of Recommendation

An application is complete when the candidate's application and the sponsor's letter of recommendation are received. Candidates are encouraged to review all program dates and expectations before applying. Participants are expected to attend all program sessions to complete the course. Questions are welcome regarding requirements, scheduling, and/or the mentoring roles of department leaders and sponsors that facilitate a Leadership Faculty Fellow’s success in the program. Additional information is below.

Course Fee

The 2024 Course Fee is $2,000. paid by the Leadership Faculty Fellows’ sponsoring department or college. Payment is due in advance of the first program session. The course fee covers, in part, syllabus materials, reference books, refreshments, meals, meeting space, expendable supplies, photos/video, and other accommodations. The course fee is based on annual expenses; the program can be completed in one year. Please note: there are no tuition refunds after the start of the program. Sponsoring departments are responsible for tuition, not Faculty Fellows.



    • Individual Faculty Career Development: Goals, Objectives, Outcomes Planning
    • Teaching Philosophy Development and Peer Feedback
    • Scholarship and Research Aims Development and Peer-Mentor Feedback
    • Scholarship-in-Progress Research (SiPR) Project Development
    • Self-Management and Temperament Profile
    • Organization Culture, Leadership and Management Profile
    • Negotiation and Conflict Management Style Assessment
    • Leadership @ Lunch with University Executives, Deans, and Senior Officers

Teaching & Learner Assessment | Building an Educator’s Portfolio

Sessions identify and enhance participant skills in the preparation, presentation, and assessment of information for learners and understanding instructional methods as a toolkit for improving learning outcomes. Faculty Fellows are guided in the development of instructional objectives as tools for teaching and learner assessment, conduct a micro-teaching session, develop a micro-learning assessment instrument, deliver to peers, and receive written peer feedback.

Products: a one-page teaching philosophy as a foundation for demonstrating excellence as an educator. Teaching goal (longitudinal), SMART objectives (outcomes and metrics) integrated into the IFcDP for feedforward planning and discussion with their Leadership Fellow’s sponsor.

Scholarship, Research, and Creative Achievement | Creating and Piloting Scholarly Aims

Sessions focus on participant scholarly goals and articulating a personal research agenda to build skills in the development of funding requests in scientific, clinical, and/or educational areas. Faculty Fellows develop and/or refine a research question, identify the literature, or evidence gaps, identify research tools, funding sources, and required steps in the research process. Participants identify a scholarly project, research question/hypothesis to address during the program and present as “scholarly work-in-progress” to qualify for graduation.

Products: Scholarship-in-Progress Research Abstract/potentially ready for submission to internal or external funders, specific aims page, research framework appropriate to the Faculty Fellows academic career trajectory. Scholarly goals are integrated into the IFcDP for feedforward planning and discussion with the assigned FLP Peer Mentor and the Leadership Fellow’s sponsor.

Faculty Roles & University Service | Organization, Academic, and Professional Culture and Engagement

Examines the service dimensions of faculty responsibilities including demonstrating leadership, team, and individual benchmarking outcomes through service initiatives whether educational “administration,” clinical, research-related, or professional. Faculty Fellows explore how to improve feed-forward and feedback from service-related work (e.g., clinical practice, committee membership, discipline-related or multi, or interdisciplinary service) and identify appropriate service roles that measurably contribute to department, college, and university objectives.

Products: Quantifying Return on Invested time benchmarks that tell the story to university stakeholders. Participants will identify their service “projects” and expected outcomes for discussion with the sponsor.


Professional Academic Skills | Self-Management, Teams, Peer-Mentors, and Leadership in Contemporary Academia



Academic Career Foundations. Sessions are designed to develop the participant’s personal capabilities central to understanding the culture of the academic health professional community, academic culture and the interface with personal and professional cultures, values, practices, and beliefs. Objectives center on developing organizational and time management skills, the capacity for self-direction, self– and peer-assessment, and goal setting.

Individual Faculty Career Development Plan. Setting specific goals for professional development in the core areas of faculty work is a required and mentored element of the program. Proposed goals are drafted and reviewed by the Program Director and with the Faculty Fellow’s sponsor. The IFcDP primarily focuses on goals for teaching effectiveness (benefits and outcomes for learners) and research/scholarship aims and achievements.

Communication Styles and Skills. Multiple sessions cultivate participant knowledge and skills for effective written and oral communication of concepts, ideas, and technical information, and the ability to understand communication styles used by colleagues, students, leadership, and/or laypersons (patients and the public). Fellows complete and receive feedback from the Keirsey Temperament Sorter® as tools for assessing personality factors that influence expressive and receptive communication and negotiation approaches.

Leadership, Policy, and Principled Negotiation. Multiple sessions introduce tools and strategies for strategic decision-making, leadership perspective, and the nuances of values statements and ethical decision making in academic and professional organizations. Improving participant’s understanding of the formal and informal facets of the university include identifying the knowledge and skills needed to manage oneself, others, money, and time while assessing personnel or facility/financial resources committed to projects and programs. Emphasis is placed on effective skills for principled negotiation.



The OU Health Sciences Faculty Leadership Program (FLP) is tailored to individual faculty goals within an interprofessional learning community. The overall objectives are to:

  1. Enhance the capabilities of OU Health Sciences faculty by improving their ability to:
    1. Prepare, present, and assess information to be taught to students and professionals and communicated to laypersons or community-based audiences.
    2. Articulate a research goal and develop a scholarship-in-progress plan and proposal as a foundation for future funding requests in scientific, clinical, public health, or educational research.
    3. Identify the formal and informal organizational issues in the academic health sciences center that promote or detract from goal alignment and organizational learning.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to manage self, others, money, and time on various projects and programs relevant to measurable outcomes and academic career benchmarks.
    5. Work through collaborative efforts, build a team, be self-directed, and demonstrate leadership skills including those necessary for effective negotiation.

Each seminar session includes specific learning objectives for the session topics. Most sessions include hands-on practice, case examples, or the development of a product relevant to building the early career faculty “toolbox” and professional portfolio.

  1. Contribute to faculty and institutional vitality through individual, team, and leadership development experiences that the overall program objectives for the College and OU Health Sciences are to:
    1. Offer faculty access to a clear and comprehensive understanding of the academic health sciences center organization and ways in which the academy is affected by internal and external priorities in education, research, health, and public policy.
    2. Prepare a cadre of individuals who have made, and will continue to make, a personal investment in their continuing professional development as academicians.
    3. Develop a cadre of individuals who have learned and worked collaboratively across discipline and college boundaries to accomplish commonly held objectives.
    4. Enhance and facilitate the capacity for faculty to share their academic and research skills with colleagues as peer mentors and coaches.




Candidates need not be tenure-track faculty. Faculty members from any OU Health Sciences college are eligible to apply.

Faculty Leadership Fellows are typically early career faculty at the Assistant Professor rank who have been at OU Health Sciences for at least 12 months.

Candidates are individuals embarking on their academic careers who the sponsor believes show promise for academic career advancement.

A completed application and a letter of recommendation from the candidate’s department chair or dean (e.g., sponsor) are required.


Who Should Apply?

The Faculty Leadership Program is specifically oriented to early-career faculty at the Assistant Professor rank who have been at OUHSC for at least 12 months. 

A typical Leadership Faculty Fellow candidate is an individual embarking upon their academic career whose sponsor believes shows promise for academic leadership in one or more key mission areas. Candidates need not be tenure-track faculty; full-time status is recommended due to the required program hours. 


COURSE Schedule in Brief: 2024-2025

  • September 11, 2024: New Leadership Faculty Fellow Orientation
  • September 18: The Teaching Mission and Leadership Challenges
  • October 09: Self-Management 1: Time Management | The Research and Scholarship Mission
  • October - April: One-on-One Career and Research Project Peer-Mentoring (5-8 individual meetings over 7-months)
  • November 20: Self-Management 2: Personality and Temperament | Organization Culture | Developing Teaching Fluency
  • December 04: (via Zoom) Assignment: Teaching Philosophy | Educational Scholarship DRAFT and consults day
  • January 15, 2025: Framing Your Research and Scholarship | Significance and Specific Aims | Peer-Mentors
  • February 19, 2025: Public Outreach | Working with the Media | Practicing On Camera
  • March 05, 2025: Academic Career Management | Preparing for Academic Advancement | Negotiation Basics & Cases
  • March 26: (via Zoom) Assignment: Scholarship-in-Progress Research Aims | Abstract and Updates DRAFT and consults day
  • April 30: Offsite Leadership Dinner Faculty Fellows and Peer-Mentors
  • May 14: Presenting Your Work: Boot Camp
  • May 21: Presenting Your Work: Mastering the 10-Minute Presentation
  • June 04: Leadership Faculty Fellows Present Scholarship-in-Progress Research (guests invited)
  • June 05: Certificate and Graduation Program and Reception with remarks from graduates (guests invited)
  • June 23: End of program debrief and evaluation. Digital survey submission (virtual)

A detailed At-A-Glance course schedule is provided to accepted applicants and their sponsors.



  • Attendance is expected at all sessions.
  • The program requirements include 100 professional development hours during a 9-month period. This is approximately 4.5% of a 50-hour work week; approximately 12 workdays.
  • FLP program sessions are scheduled in advance and are typically held on Wednesdays.
  • On seminar program days Faculty Fellows are unavailable for other responsibilities.
  • FLP Faculty fellows should schedule program dates on their calendars immediately upon notification of acceptance.
  • Due to the format of the early career faculty leadership program, there are no make-up sessions.

Missed sessions may jeopardize a candidate’s qualifications for graduation.

Graduation and Letter of Completion

Leadership Faculty Fellows who successfully complete the required program elements meet the criteria to graduate from this continuing professional development offering. Required program elements include expected preparation and engagement in the required hours and preparing the assigned academic portfolio work products for peer review, including a Scholarship-in-Progress Research (SiPR) scholarly project. Graduates receive the program letter of completion and an additional citation from the University to mark the achievement.

There are no make-up sessions for missed content due to planned or unplanned absences.  Faculty Fellows are asked to notify the Program Director in advance of any planned absence. Full participation is expected, and there are no make-up sessions for missed program activities. Leadership Faculty Fellows must successfully complete at least 75 of the 100 estimated continuing professional development hours to finish the program with a letter and citation. All hours earned will be noted for participating fellows and their sponsors.

All scheduled activities count towards the required hours. See the Program-at-a-Glance

Program Alumni. Leadership Faculty Fellow candidates are encouraged to speak with colleagues who are Faculty Leadership Alumni. For a listing of Alumni from your college please contact the Faculty Development Office at 405-271-5557 or explore the Alumni tab.

Questions. Email Us: | Call Us: 405-271-5557

Information for Sponsors, Deans, and Chairs


A letter of recommendation from the candidate’s sponsor is required. Address the letter Dr. Valerie N. Williams, LIB 164, OUHSC, OKC and upload at the link or send as an email attachment to:

The Sponsor’s letter should:

  • Briefly describe the applicant’s strengths and state what the applicant is expected to gain by participation
  • State the sponsor’s (section, division, or department head) expectations regarding the individual’s academic career focus on teaching, scholarship, and/or service; and
  • Indicate that if accepted, the individual will be supported during the time required for 100 hours of formal participation in the program.

Sponsor Letter Deadline: 5:00 PM Tuesday, August 6, 2024. A Sponsor (Department Chair or Dean) may submit the required letter of recommendation at any time before the deadline.

Sponsor Letter Link: The required letter of recommendation may be uploaded here.



Leadership Faculty Fellows have direct access to well-established investigators, academicians, and administrators as an integral part of the Faculty Leadership Program. The intent is to increase early academic career knowledge, self-assessment skills, and competence.

Integrated seminar sessions introduce early career faculty, who are typically assistant professors, to useful information about teaching, scholarship and service leadership within the academic health center. The Faculty Leadership Program is a leadership focused early career development program best suited for growing self-confidence and fine-tuning individual and team skills. Applied practice is key to the learning and opportunities for applied practice can be facilitated by the faculty member’s sponsor.

Sponsors are expected to meet and offer guidance, at the Faculty Leadership Fellow’s request, to discuss the individual’s faculty career plan, goals, objectives, and areas of possible alignment with department and college aims.

Promoting knowledge and skill development for essential areas of faculty responsibility is the program goal. Seminar content is supplemented with opportunities for team building and leadership to enhance personal effectiveness.